Bangkok to Lopburi by Train

There are fourteen trains between Bangkok and Lopburi. Seven of them are Ordinary and Commuter trains that leave from Bangkok’s Hua Lamphong (BKK) station. The remaining are the long distance trains that leave from Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal (KTW).

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The fastest and most convenient train to catch is Special Express No. 7 which is a diesel railcar with 2nd Class carriages with A/C that can do the run in one hour and 23 minutes. Ticket price is 289 Baht. However, as Lopburi is less than 25% of the entire route, you cannot book in advance. To get around this, you need to book to the next stop which is Nakhon Sawan. This will cost you 336 Baht.

If you want to save some money, then I recommend Rapid No. 111 that takes two hours and 12 minutes. This is only 50 Baht in 3rd Class and 89 Baht in 2nd Class. You should be able to buy 3rd Class on the day, but if you want to book in advance, then you need to do the same trick, though this time you only need to book as far as Ban Mi. This is 81 baht for 3rd Class and 122 baht for 2nd Class.

RELATED LINK: How to Buy Train Tickets


Commuter No. 303BKK - Lopburi04:1507:05-2 hours & 50 minutes
Rapid No. 111KTW - Den Chai07:3009:42(16:30)2 hours & 12 minutes
Special Express No. 7KTW - Chiang Mai09:0510:28(17:30)1 hour & 23 minutes
Ordinary No. 201BKK - Phitsanulok09:3012:39(17:55)3 hours & 9 minutes
Ordinary No. 209BKK - Ban Takhli11:1514:23(15:40)3 hours & 8 minutes
Ordinary No. 211BKK - Taphan Hin12:5515:37(19:15)2 hours & 42 minutes
Rapid No. 109KTW - Chiang Mai14:1516:21(04:05)2 hours & 6 minutes
Ordinary No. 207BKK - Nakhon Sawan14:1017:24(19:35)3 hours & 14 minutes
Commuter No. 301BKK - Lopburi16:3019:40-3 hours & 10 minutes
Commuter No. 317BKK - Lopburi17:3020:20-2 hours & 50 minutes
Special Express No. 9KTW - Chiang Mai18:4020:4107:152 hours & 1 minute
Special Express No. 13KTW - Chiang Mai20:0521:5808:401 hour & 53 minutes
Rapid No. 107KTW - Den Chai20:4522:3805:151 hour & 53 minutes
Express No. 51KTW - Chiang Mai22:3000:2712:101 hour & 57 minutes