Trains from Chiang Mai to Hua Hin

Hua Hin is a seaside resort city in Thailand, located about 200 kilometers south of Bangkok. It is a popular tourist destination for both Thai and foreign visitors, and is known for its beautiful beaches, laid-back atmosphere, and variety of activities. Although Chiang Mai and Hua Hin are both on the rail network, there are no direct trains between the two. You would need to change trains in Bangkok.

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For the first leg of the journey, from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, you have a choice between a day train or a night train with sleeper berths.

If you take the day train, you would need to stay overnight as there are no good connections. Express No. 85 arrives in Hua Hin after midnight. I would advise you to take either No. 14 or the newer No. 10 sleeper train. 1st Class has showers. But you should be able to use the free showers at Krung Thep Aphiwat if needed.

For the second leg of the journey, from Bangkok to Hua Hin, you really only have this choice:

This is a comfortable air-conditioned carriage with reclining seats. Ticket price includes a meal and drinks.

CONCLUSION: If you take Special Express No. 10 that leaves Chiang Mai at 6:00pm in the evening of day one, and then catch Special Express No. 43 in Bangkok at 8:10am on the morning of day two, you will arrive in Hua Hin at 12:05pm. This is 18 hours after you have left Chiang Mai.


RELATED LINK: How to Buy Train Tickets Online