Trains from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur

One of the most popular international routes in Thailand is from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. There are several variations for doing this. However, none of them can be done on one train. You need to change at the border with Malaysia. The Thai and Malaysian Immigration are both at Padang Besar Station in Malaysia. Don’t confuse it with the station with the same name on the Thai side of the border.

Your first choice is to take a sleeper train down to Hat Yai, such as Special Express No. 31, and spend a night or two there. Then take the shuttle train across the border to Padang Besar. If you want the quickest route, you should take Special Express No. 45 sleeper train that goes all the way from Bangkok to Padang Besar overnight.

Once you are at Padang Besar, you have two choices. Either take the commuter train to Butterworth first for a side trip to the island of Penang. This train goes every hour but you cannot book in advance. The second choice is to book a ticket all the way from Padang Besar to Kuala Lumpur. This one you should book in advance but allow time for a late arrival from Bangkok and going through Immigration.